I'm not going to lie, I usually really enjoy the VMA's (Video Music Awards). Every year and look forward to the dazzle and the production aspect of the show. BUT...this year I was extremely disappointed. Russell Brand was a super poor emcee for the VMA's. Even outside of his obvious discontent with anything even resembling a moral compass much less his obvious dislike of Christianity, I just found Russell Brand to be a very pessimistic-and-over-the-top-in-a-negative-way host for what is usually one of the most incredibly programmed and well put together shows that Hollywood has to offer.
Self proclaimed 'Hollywood funny man'
Despite it's obviously carnal and sex-driven approach to everything (this culture is hooked) the VMA's offer an unusually entertaining hour with some of the most famous young stars in the world. I was bummed by the overriding agenda that Russell promoted against all things pure or good. I mean, the guy made an awful issue out a pledge to stay pure. I find it incredibly disturbing that this self-proclaimed "Hollywood funny man" couldn't find anything in his whole bag of tricks more funny that mocking purity in a world filled with awful examples of sexual promiscuity. Isn't it incredible that our society has taken up the cause for our planet and for things like global warming (don't get me wrong, I'm willing to 'go green' when I can and where it makes sense), but I value the health of our planet far less than I value the health of our teenagers.
No moral compass
It is a sad day in this world when popular media not only doesn't support any moral compass at all but when they have been allowed to rewrite the book of morality. There is no longer any sense of living a pure life. Unselfishness is preached only as a marketing scheme to lure in those who have been lead to believe that the value of their life is now found in driving a hybrid vehicle or being 'socially aware' of world issues like hunger or poverty. Your 'sex life' is only as important as the person that you give yourself to for the first time. Fun, and the feel goods are the God of this age.
It is a sad day in this world when popular media not only doesn't support any moral compass at all but when they have been allowed to rewrite the book of morality. There is no longer any sense of living a pure life. Unselfishness is preached only as a marketing scheme to lure in those who have been lead to believe that the value of their life is now found in driving a hybrid vehicle or being 'socially aware' of world issues like hunger or poverty. Your 'sex life' is only as important as the person that you give yourself to for the first time. Fun, and the feel goods are the God of this age.
Thoughts from Scripture:
Reminds me of some scripture: Philippians 3:18-19 "For, as I have often told you before and now say again even with tears, many live as enemies of the cross of Christ. Their destiny is destruction, their god is their stomach, and their glory is in their shame. Their mind is on earthly things."
In the next 2 verses Paul tells us how followers of Christ ought to live. Philippians 3:20-21 "But our citizenship is in heaven. And we eagerly await a Savior from there, the Lord Jesus Christ, who, by the power that enables him to bring everything under his control, will transform our lowly bodies so that they will be like his glorious body."
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