I can't believe I'm doing this, I'm going to talk about the Jonas Brothers. Not that I don't like the budding starlet boy band of brothers, I do. I think they have captured the hearts of young women accross the country and maybe for some good reason.
.After watching the VMA's and how Russell Brand made himself look like the biggest bully and jerk in the world I wondered what kind of fall-out we would see from Hollywood, if any. Sure enough several well known, much more so than Brand anyway, have spoken out in defense of the teen stars and their pledge of purity.
.Even more impressive though, was the light hearted response of the Jonas Brothers who refused to give much warrant to Brand's mocking comments. When asked about Brand's comments on their purity rings, one of the brothers politely said something about the short attention spans of Americans as if to say, in the nicest way possible that Brand kept kicking the dead horse and people didn't find it very funny. Another Jonas Brother gushed about how funny Brand had, emphasis on 'had' been, on the Conan O'brien show.
.All of this to say, I just have to hand it to the Jonas Brothers. They have made themselves look marvelous in Hollywood once again and for all of the right reasons. I mean there hasn't been anyone in Hollywood for a long time who has been able to speak openly about abstaining from sexual activity and still hold any sort of star-status. In my opinion, like their teen pop music or not, you have to respect the Jonas Brothers for standing up for some sort of moral compass and then being 'big enough' to not bash back at the guy who bashed at them.
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