Thursday, June 25, 2009

Ministry booming? how to stay connected...

the problem: As our ministry grows, my team and I, find it ever more difficult to connect in a meaningful, spiritually motivated way with students. There is so much activity that involves such a large group of students that it's very easy for us as a team to lose touch with our students. You can only go so far connecting with students when they are in a group of 4-500 students. That being said, we have determined to fight "disconnectedness" in a few specific ways...
personal mentor groups: This is probably the single best thing that workers in any size ministry can do to stay connected. Grab a small group of students who you can personally mentor into a deeper walk with Christ. You take it personally upon yourself to encourage, hold accountable, and challenge spiritually a few students and you're sure to stay on-fire for the students in your ministry.
Bible Studies: This summer in the 210 High School Ministry we are doing 2 Bible Studies on Thursday mornings. They are "guys only" and "girls only" Bible Studies lead by our 210 high school staff. Both studies meet at 11:00am at the church. Following the time of study we all head to Chick-fila where we fellowship and hang out for a while.
This format has really given us a great opportunity not only to challenge the students who are desiring to go deeper but also for our team to get to know them better. Obviously, students who build a meaningful connection with a staff person or an adult volunteer in our ministry are incredibly more likely to move forward in their walk with Christ. Thursday morning isn't the most popular time to do anything so we can be sure that the smaller group of students in attendance are desiring more depth. The fellowship after the Bible Studies allows students to connect with people that they can aspire to become. It gives them precious time to get to know our team better. It is a win-win for our students and our ministry!
invite students into your life: Do you have to make a Sam's or Costco run this week? Call up a students or two and invite them to come shopping with you. You might think, "students are going to be offended that I asked them to go shopping with me," but I promise you, students will do whatever they can to get into a more personal setting with you or your team. Call students and have them stuff envelops, stick labels, write postcards, make phone calls with you any and every time you do these things. You will be amazed at the response and buy in you will receive from your students if you extend opportunities for them to step into your world...even if it is to work or serve! They love it and your ministry will reap a great benefit from it!
in short: We only have a few short precious years to step into the lives of those we serve in ministry...and that's if we're lucky and they don't move or leave the church. We, you and me, have to make the most of every opportunity with our students. If we get disconnected we will lose our effectiveness dramatically. Do everything you can to stay connected to your students!

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