Monday, June 22, 2009

Leaders Know How to Finish

One of the things that I have become convinced of in recent days is that every leader needs to know how to finish things. Are you a young and aspiring leader? Do you really want to show up big for your team, organization, or ministry? Then learn how to finish projects, events, and tasks well.

*Warning*Warning*Warning*Warning* If you read this, decide you want to be a finisher, and put these things into will most likely be given more work, pushed as a leader, and given a lot more responsibility..So read at your own risk!

5 things that will help you become a leader who finishes:

1. Always ask yourself the questions you think your boss/supervisor is going to ask you before they ask you...if you can learn to answer probable questions before they arise you will find that your boss/supervisor will eventually stop asking you the "devil is in the details" questions because they believe and know that you are already thinking of those questions. Bosses love, I mean really love workers who don't need a lot of "hand-holding".

2. Communicate your progress along the way...If you can learn to communicate your progress will help to elminate the amount of checking in your boss/supervisor will have to do. If you don't communicate your suprevisor may percieve you to be procrastinating instead of working ahead of schedule. If you let your boss know where you are on a project then they won't have to percieve anything except that you are a "go-getter" and a "finisher".

3. Ask a lot of question...You can never ask to many questions about what the expectation for your work will be upon completion. If you will ask good questions you will display to your supervisor that you are into the details and that the quality of your work matters to you. There is nothing worse as a boss to believe that someone on your team really doesn't care how well they do their work.

4. Remember that your work represents more than just you...Sometimes leaders forget that the work they are entrusted with reflects on more than just them. You always, always want your boss/supervisor to feel like they can trust you to carry the banner for your organization or ministry. There is no higher honor than for your boss to believe and entrust to you the responsibility of completing and finishing work that will be on display representing your organization or ministy.

5. Do what is expected of you, then ask for more...If you can accomplish what you've been assigned well before it must be completed, go back and ask for more responsibility. Leaders who are "finishers" will always be asking for more work and responsibility so that they can grow in their leadership.

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